Founded in 2006, Selva Armonia was built on 6 integral pillars: Community, Health, Permaculture, Spirituality, Sustainability, and Movement. Our Pillars Series explores each one a little more closely, bringing forth the beliefs of our community and center. Bringing forth our expressions that make up the foundation of our harmonious jungle home.
Plato once stated that
‘lack of activity destroys the good condition of every human being, while movement and methodical physical exercise save it and preserve it.’
This is why one of the fundamental pillars of Selva Armonia is Movement, because we believe that a conscious mind and body is the most appropriate vessel for your soul. With this comes longevity and functionality in your day to day life, and we can’t find a downside to that!
Our personal favourite methodical exercise is Yoga: the perfect combination of grace, strength and endurance – it’s principles and practices have incredible health benefits when implemented intentionally into ones life. Our space is a sanctuary for those who choose to fill their lives with this life-changing practice. It is why we see so many world-class leaders and their passionate students flock to our home in the jungle to experience movement at it’s finest.
But it’s not the only reason why we feel a resonance with Movement everywhere we are on our grounds. Our stunning hanging deck draws the desire to practice any kind of movement. Whether it’s asanas, roundhouse kicks, the flow of sound waves, or the simple expansion of our rib cages when we breathe in and out, Selva Armonia makes space.

And our space is infinite and ever-changing. There are no limits to the types of movement that occur here. And we owe that to our little spot here on Pacha Mama (mother earth) that provides new life and forms every day. You could witness a leaf bug doing a dance to their own beat, or hear the sounds of cicadas calling out their love. The earth is moving when we are sleeping, and life is changing around us at every moment.
We also make space for the movement of our minds. Embracing a lifestyle that encourages growth and exploration. We make time for finding deeper understanding of our many layers, peeling them away and discovering new depths. Up in the mountains, our paradise gives us many reasons to take moments to explore within.
And of course, best of all, we practice and encourage the movement of our cheeks! Smiles and laughter every day.

Come MOVE with us – whatever that might mean for you, we are here to support the Movement
– Co-written by Sophia and Natasha Pirani